5.1 Collections
One of the many tasks of a librarian is adding more books to the colection that are necessary for the students that we are serving. Using Titlewave and different journals, I chose 25 books in print and e-book for mat in Spanish that I would add to my collection that would benefit my English-Language-Learner population. Attached is an annotated bibliography of those titles that I chose. By continuing to search for books in home languages of my ELL students, I can encourage them to visit the library and help them to feel more comfortable in the library if they can find items that that they understand.
Another library task that librarians must constantly stay on top of is adding those books that are chosen to be added to the collection to the automation system that the library is using. If this is not done, then the books go unaccounted for and would not benefit the students at all. My second artifact is six titles that I created MARC records for.