1.4 integration of 21st century skills and learning standards
While completing my internship at Harlingen South High School, a teacher and I collaborated on a self-paced lesson where I taught students how to use the online databases as well as research a recent event and write a persuasive paper on what they believed. This was a great experience where I was able to not only teach, but observe high school students working at their own pace. I was also aboe to watch students get excited about learning about something that was going on that they were interested in and discuss with others. They expressed much growth in their post-tests in both forming opinions on the event, as well as on learning how to use the databases. I used this experience to write a similar lesson where I taught how to use online databases to research and write a paper on steroid use in schools. This time, though, I did not include a symbaloo with all of the necessary links to make it a self-paced lesson, rather, I show students how to use the database and let them find articles on their own. It is important to continue collaborating lessons with teachers so that students learn information literacy skills as well as content standards. My artifact for this standard is my lesson plan for the lesson described on steroid use in schoosl.